Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences ( is a scientific and practical electronic journal, officially registered on August 6, 2020 under number 1368.
The Journal published since 2020.
Purpose of the Journal
The purpose of the journal is to publish the results of current and evidence-based scientific and practical research in the field of social sciences and humanities and bring them to the reader.
The List of Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan
By Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 30, 2022 No. 1. 327/5 The journal is included in the LIST of Recommended Scientific Editions for Publication of Basic Scientific Results of Dissertations by Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Publication language
Articles are published in Uzbek, Russian and English.
The Journal sections
The Journal specializes mainly on history, economics, philosophy, philology, law and pedagogy. Nevertheless, articles on psychology, art history, political science and sociology are also accepted.
Open Access
Published issues of the journal and articles in it are open (accessible) and free. Published publications are posted in the archive section of the website.
Review Policy
All submitted manuscripts are sent for review without author identification (blind review). Only articles recommended for publication by the reviewer and received a positive review are published.
Anti-plagiarism check
Articles received by the editor are subject to checking in a special anti-plagiarism program. The level of appropriation should not exceed 15 percent (originality should be at least 85 percent).
Publication frequency
As a rule, the Journal is published monthly. Also, on the recommendation of the editors, additional and special issues of the Journal may be published.
The journal is assigned ISSN 2181-1342.
The editors are an official member of Crossref DOI and have the prefix DOI 10.47.390. Each publication and scientific article is assigned an individual Crossref DOI number.
Editorial Office
Address: Tashkent city, Yakkasaray district, Kichik Beshegoch street, 70/10.
Email address:
Telegram channel:
Phone (telegram): +998996020984.