Ethics, society, transformation, stability, culture, change, moral principles, moral values, social structure, economic problems, flexibility, education, development, social stability, changes in society, corporate analysis.Abstract
This scientific article is devoted to the study of the transformative and stabilizing functions of ethics in society. The main goal of the study is to determine the influence of moral values on the processes of change in society and their contribution to stability. The study used comparative literature analysis. The results of the study show that moral norms and principles play an important role in strengthening the social structure of a society and increasing its adaptability to its complex social and economic problems. At the end of the article, practical suggestions are given aimed at the education and development of moral principles that can serve the sustainable development of society. The findings presented in this article highlight the importance of strengthening moral values in different sectors of society and lay the foundation for future research in this area.
Arastu. Poetika. Axloqi kabir. Ritorika. – Toshkent, “Yangi asr avlodi”, 2011 yil. 130-bet.
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Arastu. Poetika. Axloqi kabir. Ritorika. – Toshkent, “Yangi asr avlodi”, 2011 yil. 130-bet.
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