
  • Asror Mukhamedov




Renaissance, Europe, religion, theology, state, philosophy, society, justice, people, rationality, Montaigne, enlightenment.


It is known from history that changes in human thinking are based on the philosophy and ideology of that time. Historical events change people's worldviews, and there is a need to write a “new” philosophy that reflects these changes. In this process, previous philosophical approaches are revised by new philosophical teachings. Views on historical and philosophical processes have something in common: they are all considered teleological in the sense explained above. Here the essence of philosophy is revealed through two conditional points: the first is the point of “efficiency” of the historical-philosophical process (for example, Hegel’s system) and the second is the starting point of the historical-philosophical process. This process examines attempts to understand the content of philosophy.


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How to Cite

Mukhamedov, A. (2024). FACTORS MOTIVATING THE WESTERN RENAISSANCE. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(8). https://doi.org/10.47390/SPR1342V4I8Y2024N19