
  • Guzal Uzakova



settlement, city, sustainable development, environment, greening, industry, construction activities, natural resources.


The article explains the concept of settlement on the basis of scientific and theoretical concepts and current legislation. The author has developed his own independent approach to the division of settlements into species. The legal description and nature of the settlements are also revealed. The article examines the main environmental problems in cities, the solution of which is considered in the framework of the new UN Urban Development Program (Habitat III). The author pays special attention to ensuring the quality of the environment in settlements, strict adherence to environmental standards and thus ensuring the right of man to a comfortable environment. At the same time, the need to ensure the harmony of ecological, economic and social aspects of urban development as one of the important conditions for sustainable development is scientifically justified. The author scientifically and legally analyzes the issues of environmentalization of production, industry, construction, acoustic impact in settlements, environmental and legal requirements for the protection of atmospheric air, compliance with sanitary norms related to water resources and public health. The article substantiates the need for the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan to introduce a procedure for conducting an "environmental rating" of cities with the broad involvement of the public. As a result of research conducted on the topic, conclusions of scientific and practical significance have been developed.



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How to Cite

Uzakova, G. (2024). ECOLOGICAL AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IN CITIES AND OTHER SETTLEMENTS. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(8).