
  • Fakhriddin Madiyev



digitization, privacy, privacy, personal data, protection from interference in private life, privacy of personal data, non-disclosure of information related to honor and dignity without their consent.


This article presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of digital technologies on the right to privacy. the development of digital technologies, the widespread introduction of digital technologies in the life of our society, and the need to carry out scientific research on ensuring the privacy of citizens living in our country. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze the concept of the right to privacy from a conceptual, scientific and methodological point of view. If we consider the right of every person to make a moral and ethical evaluation of his qualities as his personal right, it is considered to have a subjective nature. Therefore, His dignity and reputation may or may not be compatible with the social opinion in the society. The author focused on "circumstances that violate privacy", "protection from interference in personal life", "international standards of personal information", "not disclosing information about honor and dignity without their consent". The article analyzes the advanced experience of foreign countries and the approaches of legal scholars to the privacy of personal life, comprehensive analysis of the right to privacy in the context of digitization and the specific features of its constitutional and legal regulation, improvement of the legislation of Uzbekistan on privacy is to present proposals on


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How to Cite

Madiyev, F. (2024). ANALYSIS OF MODERN APPROACHES TO PROVIDING THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(8).