Autobiography, hero’s psyche, personal experience, author’s inner world, literary analysis, American and Uzbek literature, character portrayal, psychological portrait, self and depiction.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the study of how authors use autobiographical elements to depict the psychology of their protagonists. It analyzes how the personal experiences and inner world of the writer are reflected in the psyche of the protagonist, as well as the significance of this approach in literary creation. The article examines works by prominent representatives of American and Uzbek literature. The study shows how writers transpose information from their personal lives, the era, society, and government under which they lived and worked onto their characters, revealing changes in their psyches, mental revolts, and discontent. In other words, the connection between the psychological portrait of the protagonist and events in the author’s life is explored. This article helps to understand the complex relationship between the writer and the psyche of their characters. Literary analysis, focusing on examining texts and identifying autobiographical elements in the portrayal of the protagonist’s psyche, psychological analysis from a psychological perspective, and biographical methods were employed to explore the connection between the writer’s life and work.
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