Futurology, forecast, futurological skills, futurological analysis, prognostic competence.Abstract
This article examines the specifics of developing futurological analysis skills, which are considered one of the skills of the 21st century. This research optimizes the ability of future teachers to determine the tactical and strategic direction of the state in the field of education in the future. For this purpose, the knowledge of futurology, futurological skills and competencies of students studying in our country in the pedagogical direction was studied. To ensure the originality and validity of the research, a questionnaire was developed based on the experience of international futurological institutes, non-governmental organizations, agencies aimed at ensuring the development of countries, and international associations, sociometric methods, pedagogical experiment-testing, and methods of mathematical and statistical analysis of the results were used. In addition, based on the results of this research, it is taken into account that the development of futurological skills in the future has a huge impact not only on the education sector of our country, but also on the economy, politics, management, ecology, healthcare, and IT sectors.
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