philosophy of history, historical consciousness, historical thinking, national pride, national consciousness, self-awareness, mass culture, global problem, new Uzbekistan, system of spiritual values.Abstract
In this article, in the process of deep socio-economic reforms, which are one of the most important features of our country, a socio-philosophical analysis is made of the realization of national identity, ensuring harmony with the reforms and its impact on ideological changes, the need for renewal of historical thinking. Regarding the culture of historical thinking and its importance in understanding the national identity, some specific aspects were studied and appropriate conclusions were drawn. The issues of creating a fair and impartial history, the socio-philosophical basis of establishing the spirit of loyalty to our national values were studied, and the future tasks in this regard were discussed. It is based on serving to educate and bring up the new generation that will make a worthy contribution to the realization of the national identity of the Uzbek people in the fields of ideological struggle in the world.
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