
  • Muhammadnur Murodkhonov



domestic law, Islamic law, jurisprudent, religion, Islam, «Kitabul-mabsut» (Broaden book), usul-fiqh, sources, legal science, doctrine, lawmaker, «Sharh al-Siyar al-Kabir».


This article is dedicated to the life and scientific legacy of Muhammad ibn Ahmad Abu Bakr Sarakhsi, who lived and worked in the 11th century. It describes Sarakhsi ’s services as a lawyer. Sarakhsi made a great contribution to the development of Islamic law and was the first in the Islamic world to establish the doctrine of international law. His works cover all sensitive aspects of law such as creation of norms, the methodology of understanding the law, scientific theoretical and practical issues of law. Central Asia, namely Uzbekistan, is, apparently, the homeland of International Law thanks to works of formidable scholar Muhammad ibn Ahmad Sarakhsi, so-called as «Father of international law». By interpreting Arabic scholar Muhammad Shaybani ’s book «Kitab al-Siyar al-Kabir», Sarakhsi was first to set forth the «Siyar» - «International Law» as an autonomous and legitimate discipline within the framework of law. The role of Imam Sarakhsi in international law is recognized not only by the East, but also by the West. Imam Sarakhsi ’s fundamental definition of al-Siyar al-Kabir by Muhammad Shaybani under comprehensive analysis still serves as the main pillar for international law. In our article, the French president’s thoughts on this matter and the works of international law representative Hugo Grotius are compared. Imam Sarakhsi left classic literature not only in the field of international law, but also in the field of Islamic law. Summarizing these processes, we can see that the scientific knowledge accumulated in the Muslim world of the Middle Ages served as the main foundation for the preparation of the Renaissance in the West.


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How to Cite

Murodkhonov, M. (2025). THE ROLE OF FUNDAMENTAL WORKS IN THE EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 5(2), 510–518.