higher education, innovative approaches, physical education, teaching, activity, learning, student.Abstract
Modern institutions of higher education, as cells of knowledge and education, are called upon to form a comprehensively developed personality, an important component of which is physical education. Despite its long history, traditional methods of teaching physical education increasingly demonstrate their ineffectiveness in meeting the needs of modern students who expect an educational process of innovative approaches, diversity and practical orientation. The purpose of this article is to analyze modern trends in teaching physical education in higher education institutions, identify the most effective innovative approaches and technologies, and justify their use to improve the quality of students' physical fitness and form healthy lifestyle skills. The study identified the most popular innovative approaches and technologies to physical education that improve the effectiveness of learning and the development of students' physical qualities such as the technology of a personality-oriented educational process, interactive learning, the technology of creative personality formation, information and communication technologies, the technology of differentiated physical education education, the technology of health preservation.
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