interrogative sentences, classification, semantic aspect, functional classification, intonation, presumptive questions, grammatical tools, suffixes, goal-orientedness, morphological features, content, essence.Abstract
This article is dedicated to the issue of classifying interrogative sentences in linguistics, deeply examining the various types of interrogative sentences and their classification. The article analyzes the linguistic aspects of interrogative sentences, their content, structure, and functional characteristics. The classification of interrogative sentences is carried out based on various approaches, including content-based classifications such as direct and indirect questions, open and closed questions, evaluative, modal, alternative questions, and many other criteria. The article also considers complex classifications of interrogative sentences, such as the purpose of questioning, the scientific knowledge reflected in the answers, and the questioner's familiarity with the topic. The research, scientifically justified by Western, Russian, and Uzbek linguists, is also discussed.
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