Ballad, poem, epic, value, pathos, lyricism, lyrical hero, ideological vision, lyrical expression.Abstract
This article is devoted to the study of ballads and epics by Shukhrat (Gulam Aminov), an outstanding poet of the 20th century. The article analyzes the poet's epics "Legend of Courage", the ballad "The Exiled", "Guldursun", "Dream and Revenge", "Unfading Flowers". As a result, it was determined that the poet, putting forward the ideological views of Kadyri and Cholpan, combined lyricism and deep philosophy characteristic of folk epics in his epics. It has been established that the poet, who heroically continued the traditions of his predecessors, revealed the mental image of the lyrical hero, and shouted that "is it a crime to respect and appreciate national traditions and values"
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