G.A.Pugachenkova, Samarkand Sogd, archaeologists, history, ancient, historical sources, archaeological excavations, archaeological finds, archaeological methods, archaeological research, archaeological expedition, stratigraphy, periodization.Abstract
The author of the article claims that in the late 60s - early 80s of the twentieth century, archaeologists from the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, headed by G.A. Pugachenkova, worked on the territory of Samarkand Sogd. The work of this expedition was concentrated mainly on the territory of Miankal and its northern periphery. Exploration work was carried out on the territory of Miankal and its northern peripheries and a general overview of the main large archaeological sites was presented, such as the settlements of Kumushkentepe, Kurgantepe, Umaramintepe, Chuyanchitepe, the settlements of Aktepe, Chashmatepe, Isaboytepe, Yavytepe, etc.
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