speech and language, thought, sentence, phoneme, hearing, identification, perception, understanding, law.Abstract
The perception of speech, understanding what is being said, Thought, is a complex process, covering both physiological and mental and mental states. This article analyzes issues such as the laws, mechanisms of speech perception, the different views and studies of scientists in this regard, the ways in which the speaker delivers the meaning of a word to the listener.
Randy L. Diehl Psixologiya bo'limi va Pertseptual tizimlar markazi, Texas universiteti, Ostin, Texas 78712-0187.
Endryu J. Lotto Boys Town milliy tadqiqot kasalxonasi, Omaha, Nebraska 68131.
Lori L. Xolt Psixologiya bo'limi va idrokning nerv asoslari markazi, Karnegi Mellon universiteti, Pitsburg, Pensilvaniya 15213.
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