Key words: redundancy, fiction text, repetition, periphrasis, convergence of stylistic devices, stylistic functions, pragmatic functions, cognitive functions, socio-cultural functions, polyfunctionality.Abstract
Various functions of redundancy means in a fiction text in most cases act in close cooperation,
being implemented in a cluster. The interaction of functions is a characteristic feature of this linguistic
phenomenon, which is the subject of our study. The aim of this article is to identify the functional and conceptual
significance of redundancy means in a fiction text, which involves solving the following tasks:1) to determine the
main methodological prerequisites of the study, based on the critical analysis of linguistic literature on the
problems of cognitive linguistics, cognitive stylistics and fiction text; 2) to identify the main means of the cognitive
category of redundancy in a fiction text; 3) to prove the conceptual and functional significance of the category of
redundancy in a fiction text; 4) to substantiate the cluster implementation of redundancy functions in a fiction text.
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