competitive, export, classic, region, marketAbstract
This study examines the theoretical foundations and practical implications of enhancing regional economic competitiveness through export development. Competitiveness, a multifaceted concept, affects economic activity at various levels, from individual firms to entire countries. The study examines the historical evolution of competitiveness, highlighting its roots in classical economic theories and its transition to modern multidimensional frameworks that include productivity, innovation, and market dynamics. Through a comprehensive review of the literature and methodologies, the study identifies key drivers of competitiveness, including infrastructure, public policy, education, and technological progress. Special attention is paid to the contributions of Michael Porter, in particular his "Diamond Model", which emphasizes the interrelationships between factor conditions, demand conditions, relevant industries and firm strategy in supporting competitive advantage.
This study also highlights the important role of export development in enhancing regional economic competitiveness. It argues that focusing on developing internationally competitive products can significantly increase economic activity and job creation, which are essential for long-term sustainability. Export activity enhances market expansion, mitigates the risks associated with domestic market dependence, and contributes to socio-economic development by creating employment opportunities and raising living standards.
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