Denov bekligi, Surkhandarya, ethnotoponym, toponymy, etymology, historical-geographical analysis, linguistic analysis, Jarmachit, Tagichinor, Parchahovuz, Jo‘ybori, To‘qsabo, historical-geographical locations.Abstract
The article focuses on the study of historical, cultural, social, and economic traces reflected in the toponyms (place names) of Denov bekligi (Denov district) and its surrounding areas. Toponymy, as a scientific discipline, examines place names and is closely interconnected with fields such as history, ethnography, geography, and linguistics. The toponyms of Denov bekligi possess an ancient history, reflecting the cultural layers of various peoples who inhabited the region across different periods. The research employs historical-geographical and linguistic methods to analyze the semantic meanings, etymology, and significance of these place names in the lives of the local population.
The article delves into the origins of village and neighborhood names in Denov bekligi, their historical roots, and the legends preserved among the local communities. It also examines the etymology of these toponyms and the historical events associated with them.
The findings of the study demonstrate that the toponyms of Denov bekligi serve as a valuable resource not only for understanding the geographical and ethnographic characteristics of the region but also for exploring the national culture, tribal-clan structures, and historical processes of the local population. This research contributes to enriching scientific knowledge in the field of toponymy and holds significant importance in promoting the region's tourism and cultural heritage.
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