students, volleyball, volleyball technique, passing and receiving the ball, passing the ball, correct receiving of the ball, attacking hit.Abstract
Volleyball is the main and integral part of physical education classes and optional activities of students, as well as physical education and health classes and sports games. It is difficult to form a physical education team without a volleyball section in physical education classes for students and youth. Properly organized volleyball training is considered a good method for the comprehensive physical development of students and helps to solve important educational problems. The purpose of the study was to improve the methodology of teaching students of the Termez State Pedagogical Institute in volleyball training. The study was conducted with students of the Termez State Pedagogical Institute during the study of the Volleyball module. In technical training classes, students mastered and improved the technique of playing volleyball. The level of technical training of students was studied in four test tasks, knowledge of the history and rules of volleyball was assessed. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by the improvement of the technique for performing all parts of volleyball. This may be due to the successful acquisition of certain theoretical knowledge of volleyball by students.
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