
  • Muhammadiyev Usmonxon Scientific Fellow of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center



Ta’vilat, Koran, Moturidi, manuscript, scribes, fund, library, hijri


This article provides information about the “Tawilat al-Qur’an” manuscripts by Imam Moturidi. The number of manuscripts in which they are kept, the year of their copying and their scribes, as well as the oldest one are mentioned. Some of them are complete and some are incomplete. At the end of the article, the importance of these manuscripts in the study of the doctrine of moturidism today is emphasized.

Author Biography

Muhammadiyev Usmonxon, Scientific Fellow of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center

Scientific Fellow of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center


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Имом Мотуридий. Таъвилот ал-Қуръон. Бакир Тўпол ўғли ва Аҳмад Вонли

ўғли таҳқиқи остида. –Истанбул, Мизон, 2005. Ж.: 1.

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Зиёдов Ш. Абу Мансур ал-Мотуридий ва унинг “Китоб ат-таъвилот” асари. –

Т.: “Фан” нашриёти, 2009.

Имом Мотуридий. Таъвилот ал-Қуръон. Д-р Маждий Босаллум таҳқиқи

остида – Ливан: Байрут, Дору-л-кутубил илмия, 2005. Ж.: 1.

Sezgin F. GAS, I, 605.

Имом Мотуридий. Тавҳид / Д-р Бакир Тўпол ўғли ва д-р Муҳаммад Оруший

таҳқиқи остида / – Туркия: Истанбул, Иршод нашриёти, 2000.

Prof. d-r Bekir Topalog’lu. Te’vilatul Kur’an tercumasi. –Istanbul: Ensar, 2015.


2022-03-23 — Updated on 2020-01-01


How to Cite

Usmonxon, M. (2020). MANUSCRIPTS OF “TAWILAT AL-QUR’AN”. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари / Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 1(1), 10. (Original work published March 23, 2022)