https://doi.org/10.47390/SPR1342V5SI1Y2025N38Ключевые слова:
Jadid literature, modernization, enlightenment, Fitrat, Behbudiy, Avloniy, scientific progress, gender equality, symbolic images, national revival.Аннотация
This article analyzes the formation of Jadid literature and its impact on the modernization processes. Against the background of socio-political and cultural changes that occurred in Turkestan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Jadid movement, its reflection in literature, and its contribution to cultural renewal are examined. The contribution of prominent Jadid figures such as Fitrat, Behbudiy, and Avloniy to science, gender equality, and the formation of modern thinking is highlighted. The role of symbolic images in Jadid literature in national revival and their harmony with Eastern traditions are also analyzed.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Abdurauf Fitrat. Oila yoki oila boshqarish tartiblari / — Toshkent: Cho'lpon nomidagi NMIU, 2013 — 144 b. ISBN 978-9943-05-591-9
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