
  • Matluba Sadullaeva

Kalit so'zlar

Kalit so'zlar

monad, duad, Pythagorean philosophy, concept of imitation, doctrine of Pythagoreanism, Pythagorean table of categories, Hegel.


The article discusses how Pythagorean philosophy evolved from seeing numbers as the basis of everything to understanding them as essential principles shaping the universe. It emphasizes the practical and philosophical significance of numbers, exploring their role in various fields like math, science, and ethics. Pythagoreans viewed numbers not just as tools for counting but as fundamental aspects of existence itself. They focused on two key principles: unity (monad) and duality (duad), seeing them as foundational concepts in understanding both numbers and reality[23]. The text also compares Pythagorean ideas with those of later philosophers like Plato, Iamblichus and others. Overall, it explores the profound implications of seeing the world through the lens of numbers.


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6.Sadullayeva M.A. Falsafada ramzning gnoseologik tahlili. // International journal of education, Social science and humanities. - Finland, 2024. – Volume 12. Issue 1. – PP.186-197. (09.00.00; №. Indexed by Researchbib)

7.Sadullayeva M.A. Philosophy of numbers in Eastern and Sufi literature. // Imom Buxoriy saboqlari. – Samarqand, 2023. - №1. – B.109-112. (09.00.00; №9)

8. Sadullayeva M.A. Number as the essence of things: philosophy of Western and central Asian scientists. // Imom Buxoriy saboqlari. – Samarqand, 2024. - №1. – B.48-51. (09.00.00; №9)

9. Sadullayeva M.A. Symbolic significance of numbers in Eastern Classic literature. // Мировая наука. - №6 (27), 2019. – C.15-20.

10. Sadullayeva M.A. Symbolic language of numbers in Muslim architecture. // ACADEMICIA. An international multidisciplinary research journal. -Vol 10. Issue 5, May 2020. -PP.869-875

11. Sadullayeva M.A. Philosophy of Numerical Symbolism in World’s Cultures. // International journal of trend in scientific research and development. - Volume 4, Issue 5. - July-August, 2020. -PP.1545-1548

12. Sadullayeva M.A. Philosophical foundation of digitalization and digital transformation of communication. // Xorazm Ma’mun akademiyasi axboroti. -Xiva, 2024. - № 2/3. – B.21-23.

13. Sadullayeva M.A. Symbolic significance of numbers in eastern literature and mysticism. // «Science and Education in the Modern World: Challenges of the XXI Century». Материалы V Международной научно-практической конференции. - Нур-Султан, 2019. -С.9-12

14. Sadullayeva M.A. Spiritual and philosophical significance of numbers. // “XXI asr ilm-fani va taʼlim sohasida ayollar: yutuqlar va muammolar” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. 16-fevral 2023 yil. – Navoiy, 2023. – B.55-57.

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Qanday ko'rsatish

Sadullaeva, M. (2024). NUMBER AS THE ESSENCE OF THINGS: PYTHAGOREAN PHILOSOPHY. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(10), 140–145.