Philosophy, analytical thinking, critical thinking, teaching methods, interactive approaches in education, critical thinking, higher education, philosophical analysis, development of thinking, pedagogical methodsAbstract
The importance of analytical and critical approaches in teaching philosophy helps deepen students' thinking processes. This article, first of all, talks about the role of analytical thinking in the analysis of philosophical issues and its practical application. Through analytical approaches, the student acquires the skills of systematic separation, comparison and deep analysis of ideas. Also, the critical thinking approach, that is, the careful analysis of thinking, identifying the differences between arguments and views, and distinguishing between right and wrong opinions, is important in the process. The article discusses how analytical and critical thinking develops in the educational process, how they can be effectively used in teaching, as well as the role of philosophy students in raising their level of thinking. Modern teaching methods, including methods of forming analytical and critical thinking skills through interactive learning and group discussions, are analyzed.
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