
  • Райхона Норкабилова



Ключевые слова:

психодиагностика, дошкольный возраст, подготовка к школе.


Статья посвящена проблеме диагностики готовности детей к школе за рубежом. Представлены различные подходы к оценке готовности к школе, а также методы определения уровня развития ребенка с точки зрения готовности к школе, используемые в образовательной практике.

Библиографические ссылки

De Lemos M. M. Assessing development and readiness for school across different cul tural and language groups / Marion M. de Lemos // Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. 2008. Vol. 13. № 2. P. 3-98.

Denham S. A. SocialEmotional Competence as Support for School Readiness: What Is It and How Do We Assess It? / Susanne A. Denham // Early Education and Development. 2006.Vol. 1. №1. P. 5-89.

Guhn M., Janus M., Hertzman C. The Early Development Instrument: Translating School Readiness Assessment Into Community Actions and Policy Planning / Martin Guhn, Magdalena Janus, Clyde Hertzman // Early Education & Development. 200. Vol. 18. № 3. P. 369-34.

Haidkind P., Kikas E., Henno H., Peets T. Controlled Drawing Observation for Assessing a Child's Readiness for School and Predicting Academic Achievement at the End of the First Grade / Pille Haidkind, Eve Kikas, Helen Henno, Terje Peets // Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2011. Vol. 55. № 1. P. 61-8.

Janus М., Offord D. R. Development and Psychometric Properties of the Early Development Instrument (EDI): A Measure of Children's School Readiness / Magdalena Janus, David R. Offord // Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 200. Vol. 39. № 1. P. 1-22.

La Paro K. M., Pianta R. C. Predicting Children's Competence in the Early School Years: A MetaAnalytic Review / Karen M. La Paro, Robert C. Pianta // Review of Educational Research. 2000. Vol. 0. № 4. P. 443-484.

Lloyd J. E. V., Hertzman C. From Kindergarten readiness to fourthgrade assessment: Longitudinal analysis with linked population data / Jennifer E. V. Lloyd, Clyde Hertzman // Social Science & Medicine. 2009. Vol. 68. P. 111-123.

Sassu R. The Evaluation of School Readiness for 5-8 Years Old Children Cognitive, SocialEmotional, and Motor Coordination and Physical Health Perspectives / Raluca Sassu // Cognitie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition, Brain, Behavior. 200. Vol. 11. № 1. P. 6-81.

Snow K. L. Measuring School Readiness: Conceptual and Practical Considerations / Kyle L. Snow // Early Education & Development. 2006. Vol. 1. № 1. P. -41.

Winter S. M., Kelley M. F. Forty Years of School Readiness Research: What Have We Learned? / Susanne M. Winter, Michael F. Kelley // Childhood Education. 2008. Vol. 84. № 5. P. 260-266.




Как цитировать

Норкабилова, Р. (2023). ДИАГНОСТИКА ГОТОВНОСТИ ДЕТЕЙ К ШКОЛЕ ПО ИНОСТРАННЫМ ПРЕДМЕТАМ. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 3(11). https://doi.org/10.47390/SP1342V3I11Y2023N66