DOI:Ключевые слова:
semantics, translation theory, cultural context, semantic competence, linguistic meaning, pragmatic semantics, translation challenges, synonymy, antonymy, dynamic equivalence, semantic divergence.Аннотация
This article analyses the significance of semantics in translation and the necessity of semantic competence for translators. Based on the research of English and Uzbek scholars, including Eugene Nida, Peter Newmark, Naim Karimov, and Shoira Shomansurova, the study examines the accurate interpretation of semantic meanings, cultural contexts, and lexical units in translation. The research highlights the importance of a semantic approach to addressing issues such as polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, and cultural semantics. The article emphasizes the theoretical and practical relevance of semantic analysis for producing high-quality translations.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Nida, E. A. (1964). Toward a Science of Translating: With Special Reference to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible Translating. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
2. Newmark, P. A textbook of translation, Bibliography: p. Includes index. L Translating and interpreting. L Title. P306.N474 1987 418 .02 86-30593 ISBNO-B-912593-Oipbk.)
3. Leech, G. N. The Study of Meaning Pelican books · Penguin Education. Author, Geoffrey N. Leech. Edition, 2. Publisher, Penguin Books, 1981.
4. Karimov, N. Tarjima Nazariyasi: Milliy va Madaniy Xususiyatlar. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston Milliy Ensiklopediyasi. 2005.
5. Shomansurova, Sh. "Tarjimada Semantik Divergentsiya Muammolari." O‘zbek Tili va Adabiyoti Tadqiqotlari Jurnali, 12(2), 2018. 45-56.
6. Halliday, M. A. K., & Hasan, R. (1976). Cohesion in English. London: Longman.