
  • Ismail Khojaliev



text, lexico-grammatical means, speech, psycholinguistics, semantics, pragmatics, text component.


This article highlights the connection between the integrity of the text and its content, the characteristics of the text as a product of speech, as a speech unit, the stages of the emergence and development of text research, as well as scientific research conducted in industry areas, and also studies research carried out on specializations of the text.


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How to Cite

Khojaliev, I. (2024). CLOTHES NAMES AS A SOURCE OF LANGUAGE ENRICHMENT. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари / Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(3).