
  • Navruzjon Махкамов



Kalit so'zlar:

сифат менежменти, маҳсулот сифати, хизматлар сифати, халқаро стандартлар, рақобатбардошлик, миллий иқтисодиёт, корхона самарадорлиги


Мақолада корхона ва ташкилотларнинг ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожланишида сифат менежментининг ўрни, 2022 — 2026 йилларга мўлжалланган янги Ўзбекистоннинг Тараққиёт Стратегиясида сифат менежменти усулларини ишлаб чиқариш ва хизмат кўрсатишда қўллаш орқали миллий иқтисодиёт барқарорлигини таъминлаш масалалари кўриб чиқилади. Тараққиёт стратегиясида белгиланган мақсадларни амалга ошириш механизмлари ва мамлакат иқтисодиётини ривожлантиришдаги аҳамияти ўрганилди.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar

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International ratings and indexes increase the prestige of Uzbekistan on a global scale, strengthen its position, ensure transparency, https://yuz.uz/news/khalqaro-reyting-va-indekslar iser.ru/index.php

The influence of the geopolitical situation on the economy of Uzbekistan, https://uza.uz/uz/posts/geosiyosiy-vasiyatning-ozbekiston-iktisadiyotiga-tasiri-som-kelgusida-qadrsizlanishiye-mumkinmi_356255

Exchange rates set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for March 18, 2022, https://bank.uz/uz/currency/archive

Gasoline prices in the US rose to a record high, oil prices rose globally, https://www.vesti.ru/finance/article/2686424

6 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-60 dated January 28, 2022 "On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022-2026", https://lex.uz/docs/5841063

The State Program for the implementation of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026 in the "Year of glorifying human dignity and active neighborhood" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SzznY0IxuZ_adXGBEdSeLp39Agg7rp-p/view

N.T. Makhkamov, The widespread use of digital technologies in improving the quality of public services to the population, a collection of materials of the online "Scientific research summit" with the participation of leading experts, researchers, masters and students of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a number of foreign countries , February 22, 2022

N.T. Makhkamov, Effective management as the main factor of state development. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 2(10) 2021,607-614. https://ares.uz/jurnallar-sahifasi/ares-vol-2-no-10-2021

M.N. Tukhtamishevich, The relevance of the management system and the integration of education. Republican "Science, education and practice integration" scientific-methodological magazine, 02(02)(2021), 34-45. Retrieved from https://bilig.academiascience.org/index.php/isepsmj/article/view/51

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Mirovoy rynok IT-autsorsinga za god vyros na 13%. https://www.tadv2.

Pardaev M.Q. Theory of Economic Analysis, 4th Edition, Textbook. "Science and Technology Publishing House", 587 p. Tashkent 2022, p. 534.

N.T. Makhkamov, Mechanisms for ensuring the stability of the national economy by applying the quality management methods specified in the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan, Development Strategy of Uzbekistan: purpose, principles and development The collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference on "prospects", March 30, 2022

N.T. Makhkamov, The use of quality management methods in increasing the competitiveness of production and services, a collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Problems of development of service and educational services in the conditions of the formation of the third renaissance" (Part II), 18-2022 February 19, Samarkand, 80-82 p.

M.N. Tukhtamishevich, The relevance of the application of structural management. in Uzbekistan, Special Issue on Application of Science and Technological Advancements for Sustainable Development, Novateur Publication India's JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, ISSN: 2581-4230, 26th Dec. 2020, pp. 40-46.

Formation of a strong and effective medical system - the main tasks of the state of public education, the speech of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the last public meeting with representatives of the health care sector, https://moqqv.uz/uz/news/kuchli- forming an effective medical system is the most important task of the state

Cotton Campaign announces boycott of Uzbek cotton, https://fergana.agency/articles/125397/


Nashr etilgan



Махкамов N. (2023). ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИНИНГ ТАРАҚҚИЁТ СТРАТЕГИЯСИ МАҚСАДЛАРИДА КОРХОНА ВА ТАШКИЛОТЛАРНИ ИЖТИМОИЙ-ИҚТИСОДИЙ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШДА СИФАТ МЕНЕЖМЕНТИНИ ҚЎЛЛАШ МАСАЛАЛАРИ. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари / Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 3(S/6). https://doi.org/10.47390/SP1342V3I6/SY2023N13