
  • Furkat Nurmanov




Oguz, Oguzkhan, book of Kurkut Ota, Turkic culture, ethnonym, ethnotoponym, Devon-t-Turk dictionary, arrow, thief, nine Oguzes, ethnogenesis, clan, tribe.


The Oguzes played an important role in the historical and progressive development of the Turkic peoples. They have significant influence among the Turkic peoples. According to historical and legendary sources, there is a statement that the Turkic peoples descended from the Oguzes. Similar ideas are presented in sources called "Oguzhakon" and "Oguzkhan", and this idea is repeated in many historical works, including the works of Abulgazi Bahadurkhan and Mirzo Ulugbek. In addition, information about the Oguzes, their historical activities, the origin of the ethnonym, language and culture can be obtained from many sources. In this small study we will describe our observations about the Oguzes and their language (dialect), which are of great importance for the Uzbek people and language. We will give our analysis of their appearance in the historical arena, the creation of a union of tribes, their statehood, the Oguzes in the first written sources, the treatment of the Oguzes in the work of M. Koshgari “Devonu Lugati-t-Turk”, coverage of the activities of the Oguzes in historical and scientific sources, historical -linguistic foundations of the ethnonym. First, we will present our thoughts on the origin of the term “Oghuz”, as well as the historical place and significance of the Oghuz in the large family of Turks.


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How to Cite

Nurmanov, F. (2024). “OGUZ” ETHNONAME AND OGUZ. Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари / Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences., 4(2). https://doi.org/10.47390/SPR1342V4I2Y2024N19